원광디지털대학교-학생(WDU SmartEdu3.0)

by 원광디지털대학교



Cyber ​​Universitys first smart edu application for all school lifeWonkwang Digital Universitys "Smart Edu APP" is an application that can quickly and conveniently use all activities necessary for school life, from attendance, question and answer and course registration, tuition payment, and grade check, as well as taking classes through a smartphone. As the first cyber university, Wonkwang Digital University is implementing it.Attendance through biometric (fingerprint) authenticationBy establishing a biometric (fingerprint) authentication system, attendance is possible easily and conveniently with a smartphone capable of fingerprint authentication. In particular, by applying FIDO-based biometric authentication technology, you can attend safely without storing fingerprint information, and learners can attend in the way they want, such as public certificates and fingerprint login.[Essential access rights]Storage space: Used for functions such as fingerprint registration, certificate registration, and file download/upload.Phone: You can check the mobile phone status and use the direct dialing function through the address book.※ If you do not allow the necessary access rights, you cannot use the service normally.[Optional access rights]Location: Used to use features such as location check.Camera: Used to use functions such as QR login and taking pictures.※ In the case of selective access rights, if you do not agree, services other than the corresponding function can be used as is.